월드미션대학교의 교수진은 무오하시고 우리 삶과 믿음의 최종 주권자 되시는 하나님의 말씀에 영감을 받아 진리의 전파와 전도의 사명에 헌신한다. 학생들을 예수님을 닮은 성숙한 하나님의 사람과 건강한 목회자로 양성하기 위해 하나님의 말씀을 가르칠 뿐만 아니라, 건전한 신학과 바른 정신을 심어주고, 진실한 믿음과 경건한 생활로 이끌기 위해 전심으로 노력한다. 교수진 임명을 위한 기본 조건으로는 각 전공에 전문적인 지식과 경험을 가진 기독교인이어야 한다.

최윤정 (Choi, Yoon Jung)
Associate Professor of Intercultural Education
Dean of Online Education
Ph.D., Biola University
M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
B.A., Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
정재현 (Chung, Jae Hyun)
Chair Professor of Philosophy of Religion / Philosophical Theology
Director of PhD in Practical Theology
Ph.D., Emory University
MTS, Emory University
B.A., Yonsei University
가진수 (Ga, Jin Soo)
Assistant Professor of Worship Studies
Director of MA in Worship Studies Program

D.W.S., Coursework, The Robert D. Webber Institute for Worship Studies
D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M, Korea Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div., KC Theological Seminary
B.A., Inha University
김현경 (Kim, Hyun Kyung)
Associate Professor of Christian Counseling
Ph.D., Talbot School of Theology
M.A., Talbot School of Theology
B.A., Mackenzie University
김경준 (Kim, Kyoungjun)
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
미국 Fuller Theological Seminary (Ph.D.)
미국 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.A.)
총신대학교 신학대학원 (M.Div.)
성균관대학교 (B.S.)
김민지 (Kim, Minji)
Assistant Professor of Christian Counseling
Director of BA in Christian Counseling Program
Associate Professional Clinical Counselor (CA Board of Behavioral Sciences)
M.S., California State University, Los Angeles
B.A., Biola University
김서영 (Kim, Seo Young)
Assistant Professor of Research and Writing
M.L.I.S., San Jose State University
M.L.S., Chung Ang University
B.A., Duk Sung Women’s University
이현아(Lee, Hyuna) 
Assistant Professor of Social Work   
Director of BA in Social Work Program    
Ph.D., Kangnam University
M.S.W., Kangnam University
B.A., Kangnam University
이준성 (Lee, Joon Sung)
Assistant Professor of Missiology
Director of Latin American Program

Ph.D., PRODOLA, Candidate
M.Div., Seminario Teológico Bautista
M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary
B.A., International Baptist Seminary
B.S., College of Wooster
이영주 (Lee, Young Joo)
Associate Professor of Nursing
Director of BS in Nursing Program

Ph.D., Korea University
MS., Ewha Womans University
BS., Ewha Womans University
임종호 (Lim, Jong Ho)
Assistant Professor of Computer and Ministry
M.Div., Methodist Theological Seminary
B.S., Han Yang University
임성진 (Lim, Sung Jin)
Professor of Practical Theology
D.Min., San Francisco Theological Seminary
M.A., World Mission University
M.Div., Azusa Pacific University
B.A., Sejong University
남종성 (Nam, Jong Sung)
Associate Professor of New Testament
Director of Theology Programs
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M., Talbot School of Theology
M.Div., Seoul Theological Seminary
B.A., Choong Nam National University
신선묵 (Shin, Seon Mook)
Associate Professor of Missiology and Leadership
Chief Academic Officer

D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary
B.A., Sungkyunkwan University
송경화 (Song, Kyung Hwa)
Student Advisor of Spiritual Care and Counseling
Director of MA in Counseling Psychology Program 

Director of General Education
Ph.D., Claremont School of Theology
M.A., Claremont School of Theology
M.A., Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission
B.A., Seoul National University
윤임상 (Yoon, Im Sang)
Associate Professor of Music
Director of MA in Music Program
D.M.A., American Conservatory of Music
M.Div., Azusa Pacific University
M.M., University of Southern California
B.A., Chung Ang University
유강수 (Yu, Kang Soo)
Assistant Professor of Missiology
Director of DMin Program
D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Seoul Theological Seminary
B.A., Seoul Theological University
윤에스더 (Yune, Esther)
Assistant Professor of Music
Director of DMA in Church Music Program
D.M.A., Eastman School of Music
M.M., New England Conservatory of Music
B.M., New England Conservatory of Music
라틴 프로그램 교수진 (Latin Program Faculty)